【H5】品类作品,标题是【韩连山校长邀请函】,描述为【】,作品内容为【邀请函 教育学院 < 诚/挚/邀/请 > 尊敬的韩连山校友:      值此母校建校70周年暨母校教育学科建立70周年之际,为加深校友情谊,加强学术交流,促进学科发展,教育学院将于2022年8月7日下午在母校(赛罕校区)文史楼北楼207会议室举办校庆日活动,主要活动内容包括:      1.内蒙古师范大学校友会教育学院分会工作年会      2.内蒙古师范大学教育学院院志(征求意见稿)编纂情况说明      3.内蒙古自治区教育学科建设研讨会 < 诚/挚/邀/请 > Seven decades of spring breeze, seven decades of peony blossoms, seven decades of inspiring and cultivating, seven decades of torches being passed down, seven decades of songs not ceasing, deep roots and strong growth, talent flowing out in all directions. A spring breeze that springs forth from every blade of grass, a deep and abiding affection. Water courses and mountains separate us from our mother school, yet time and again we think of it; the passing of time makes us forget the camaraderie with friends by our side. On this occasion of the 70th anniversary of our alma mater, the Education College invites you to return to campus and reunite with fellow alumni, and to wish the college a happy 70th birthday!       专此诚邀。顺致崇高敬意! 党委书记:院长: < 诚/】