Discover the enchanting world of My Kiumi, a 2016 collection of brand children's wear crafted with the essence of 'kiumi - fresh flowers on leaves, cats on trees, without a word, it's already beautiful.' Equipped with a refreshing summer vibe, My Kiumi offers versatile and adorable styles that blend fashion, practicality, and comfort, elevating the baby's style to a new level of charm. The line includes dresses for little princesses that allow for easy wear and a must-have spring item, adorned with creative pattern elements that create an atmosphere of fun and playfulness. The brand's sales policy outlines a national unified retail price, a pricing policy, and strict measures against price discrimination, ensuring brand competitiveness. With the support of's online design platform, My Kiumi's H5 collection was crafted with the ease of access to a variety of templates, making it quick and efficient for users to bring their creative visions to life.
My Kiumi