易企秀提供的在线设计平台,助力用户轻松制作出如【遇见●厦门】这样的H5作品。该作品以厦门为背景,通过细腻的文字和画面,展现了厦门城在海上,海在城中独特的城市魅力。作品中“追忆时光的印记Remembrance time mark 城在海上,海在城中City on the sea, the sea in the city 在这里Here 无论世事如何变迁No matter how things change 这里总是安静悠扬There is always quiet melodious 这里有隐约琴声的小巷There are faint sound of the piano in the alley 也有精致的小店There are also fine shops 如果我在厦门遇见你If I met you in Xiamen 请留下来,带着满满的期待和欣喜Please stay with full of expectation and joy 追忆时光的印记Remembrance time mark 城在海上,海在城中City on the sea,