You've likely experienced a situation where you're constantly checking someone's WeChat status, waiting for them to respond. This person is a key figure in your life, and their online presence is a source of anxiety and uncertainty. You find yourself constantly wondering if they've seen your messages, and if they're just ignoring you or if something more serious is going on. The fear of being forgotten or replaced is always lurking in the back of your mind. This person has become an integral part of your daily routine, and their absence feels like a void that can't be filled. You feel a sense of loss and longing whenever they're not online. Despite feeling anxious and uncertain, you can't help but constantly check their status, hoping to find some reassurance or connection. But what if this person has moved on and forgotten about you? What if they've found someone else who's taken their attention away from you? The thought of being replaced is unbearable. This person has become a source of anxiety and stress in your life, but also a reminder of the impermanence of relationships and the fleeting nature of human connections.