Discover the incredible moments of children at the 'Yue Youhui Mallebo Summer Training Camp' H5 creation. This engaging and interactive H5 showcases the journey of young creators at Mallebo Youth Maker Workshop. With the powerful online design tool provided by, users can easily create stunning H5s with a wide range of templates. The camp aims to挖掘孩子们在创造方面的潜力,通过一系列活动,如机械臂制作、直升飞机翱翔、循迹小车完成、蝎子机器人等,培养孩子们的动手能力和创新精神。 Each session highlights the children's progress and achievements, from wooden swords and shields to programming robots. The final session presents the initial contact with computer programming, showcasing the children's enthusiasm and potential. Join us in celebrating these young innovators and their amazing creations.