West China Hotel Door Sign is a product designed by EQXiU.com, a company that provides online design services with rich templates for quick creation. The West China Hotel Door Sign has multiple functions, including displaying room numbers, do not disturb indications, and clearing functions. It also features an open switch function for guests. The sign comes in different models, such as HTY-240-S, which measures 240x145x10mm and is made of acrylic material with a black face panel. Another model, SLT-206-G, has a steel glass construction and measures 206x126x10mm, also with a black face panel. The HLT206-G model has the same specifications but with a different model number. The SSZ-206-G model is similar to SLT-206-G but with a slight difference in specifications. Finally, the SF-230 model measures 230x140x10mm and features a steel glass construction with a black face panel. All of these models are designed for hotel use and can be created quickly using EQXiU.com's online design service.