Discover the ongoing recruitment campaign for LOKER Station, a mobile social app centered around outdoor activities. Designed using's online design platform, this H5 piece highlights the convenience of the app in connecting like-minded individuals for fitness and socializing. It emphasizes the open platform nature of LOKER, which not only promotes sports socializing but also offers a variety of activities for enjoyment. As an official LOKER partner, you can publish information for free on the platform, reaching a wider audience. To post promotions, ensure they are real and beneficial for LOKER users. The app does not charge any fees, aiming for a win-win situation with businesses. Activities should be exclusive to LOKER users, and merchants need to verify users' phones upon purchase. To get started, simply click the 'Publish' button, fill in accurate details, upload up to 9 related images, and contact us for more information.
LOKER Station招商进行时