Hello! I'm Tony, a 9-year-old student from Huqiang School. I love learning English and am always eager to participate in class. With my natural ability to pick up languages and creative approach to learning, I've developed strong language skills and can often find innovative ways to complete assignments on my own. However, I still need guidance from parents to cultivate a sense of responsibility and self-confidence. My teacher, Ms. Dream, emphasizes the importance of teamwork and cooperation in our class. She encourages us to work together and support one another in achieving our goals. As I grow and learn, I'm excited to see what the future holds for me! I've created this growth report using Eqxiu's online design platform, which offers a wide range of templates and resources to help me express myself and showcase my progress. With their help, I can easily create engaging content that showcases my personality and interests. Whether it's writing about my favorite hobbies or sharing stories from school, Eqxiu makes it easy for me to tell my story and share my experiences with others. As I continue to grow and learn, I'm grateful for the support of my parents and teachers who encourage me to be my best self. With their guidance, I'm confident that I can achieve great things and make a positive impact in my community.
胡峰霖 Tony