本作品是由易企秀公司提供的在线设计工具,快速制作的H5作品,内容介绍如下: 本作品为【H5】品类作品,标题为【213.港易天地@坤卦的含義】,由香港风水命理专家李汶釗主编。 在本作品中,我们 delve into the meaning of the Kuan Yu (, 坤卦), a significant concept in Hong Kong Feng Shui. We explore its significance and how it relates to the universe and human life. Through this journey, we learn about the importance of balance and harmony in our lives, and how the principles of Feng Shui can guide us towards achieving these goals. The Kuan Yu is represented as a rectangular shape with four corners, symbolizing the four cardinal directions. This shape is associated with stability, prosperity, and good fortune. Lee Leng Pong (李汶釗), our expert consultant, has over 10 years of experience in Feng Shui and has written numerous articles on the subject. He is currently the Vice President of the International Feng Shui Association, a position he has held for several years. With his expertise and guidance, we aim to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the Kuan Yu and its role in modern life. So, if you're interested in learning more about Feng Shui and how it can enhance your life, then this article is for you!