Introducing a captivating H5 production by, tailored for Dongming Art School's grand parent-child event titled 'Dongming Art School Large-scale Parent-child Activity!'. This June, it's the Parent-child Month, and the best love is to be present. Get ready for the 2nd Dongming Art School Parent-child Event on June 24th, designed to teach children gratitude. The event features numerous gratitude-focused parent-child activities, allowing kids to feel the warmth and enthusiasm of their parents. While parents are busy with work, this event offers a chance to experience their child's growth joy together. Due to the large number of classes, not all can participate; only a few lower-grade classes are involved. Dear young parents, remember not to miss your child's wonderful growth moments because of your busy schedule. The best love for your child is to be by their side. Those interested in participating should contact their teachers and order the parent-child outfits. This Eqxiu-powered production showcases the ease of online design with a wide variety of templates available for quick creation.