Discover the unparalleled value of the highest cost-effective office buildings in the inner circle with this H5 work created by Eqxiu, a leading online design platform. The [H5] titled 'You Don't Know Huaiqing & Qidai Buildings | Colliers International' showcases the stunning panoramic views of the Ling Shi Park from the 6th floor of both buildings, offering a refreshing break from the office stress. With a 7.5-meter-high atrium, both Huaiqing and Qidai Buildings provide an ecological haven with direct access to the park. The perfect amenities include a 2,800-square-meter business conference center, within walking distance to the Marriott Hotel, and a free shuttle bus from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm, with a 3-minute drive to the Ma Xì City subway station. Enjoy a 75%-80% high room ratio in spacious open-plan layouts, with the smallest unit size of 200 square meters and standard delivery. This exclusive offering by Colliers International is brought to you with the ease and speed of Eqxiu's online design platform, featuring a rich library of templates for quick and efficient creation.
你不了解华清&启迪大厦 | 高力国际