易企秀(eqxiu.com)提供的在线设计平台,让用户轻松制作出高质量的H5作品。这款课程报告H5作品,以【课程报告--郭子上】为标题,通过简洁明了的描述“课程报告出来啦,来看看外教对你的评价吧~”吸引观众。作品内容展示了郭子上的课程报告LESSON REPORT,其中外教John的评语“great class, thank you! Really nice cooperation and engagement! I could see that your reading skills are on a good level. However even if some words were new for you, you were trying your best to remember it with proper pronunciation. Thank you for listening to my instructions. The goal of both activities have been achieved. You were willing to speak Eng”展现了学生在课程中的积极表现和进步。易企秀平台丰富的模板资源,让用户能够快速完成设计,非常适合需要制作教育类H5报告的用户。