Discover the captivating story of love in 'You and I', a H5 category work created with's online design platform. This heartwarming piece, crafted by Zhang Yongzheng and Wang Ke on November 17, 2015, beautifully illustrates the journey of a couple from initial encounter to a lifetime commitment. The couple, Miss and Mr., are depicted as charming, with the woman being gentle and lovely, her smile leaving an indelible mark. The man, with his refined demeanor and youthful vigor, captures her heart. Their story unfolds through moments of meeting, mutual affection, and eventual union. The couple's promise to each other is a testament to their love: 'I will take care of you for a lifetime,' he says, and 'I entrust my life to you,' she responds. The SUBJECT LINE & TITLE, TELLINGS & MORE, captures the essence of their journey. With, creating such a memorable H5 is made easy with a vast library of templates that allow for quick and efficient design work.