Discover the inspiring story of Han Xia, the Deputy Vice President of Red Yellow Blue Education Group, in this H5 masterpiece titled 'To Our Youth'. Experience the journey of a dreamer who, after graduating from kindergarten and kindergarten education in 1997, confidently joined the Red Yellow Blue family, becoming one of the earliest members of the startup team. Over 16 years have passed, and despite doing 'the same' things every day, she remains committed to her principles and finds new excitement in her work. Embrace what you love, choose what you want; a thing, a lifetime! This H5 showcases the power of pursuing dreams and the ability to realize them, with Han Xia emphasizing that owning a dream is a form of intelligence, but making it a reality is a true ability. It also features the quote 'Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.' In the love of their cause, they keep their youth forever. This H5 was beautifully crafted using's 'online design' feature, which provides a rich selection of templates for quick and easy creation.