Introducing a H5 piece titled 'Handwritten Greetings' by, a platform that offers easy-to-use online design tools and a variety of templates for quick creation. The piece commemorates the first global public postcard event in Inner Mongolia, which commenced on September 15, 2015. It encourages the New Generation to change the law of life, thaw the coldness of communication, awaken past expectations, and seek a different way to interact. The piece evokes memories of the joy of receiving a postcard and raises awareness about the rarity of such personalized greetings in today's fast-paced world. The event provided an opportunity for students from China and abroad to receive handwritten greetings, fostering a platform for mutual understanding and cultural exchange. It serves as a reminder to slow down and reconnect with friends by writing heartfelt messages on postcards. Join the movement by sending 'Handwritten Greetings + Name + School + Grade + Class + Phone Number' to the Baotou City Student Competition Platform. empowers users to create such impactful pieces with ease and speed.