Please from SEO perspective to make works for EasyShow users, the work is H5 type products, title is , description is , content is . The work is Spring Festival business announcement of Huangshan Guoduan Electrical. Business hours are as follows: New Year's Eve: 8:00 am to 14:00 pm From January 1st to January 6th: 9:00 am to 15:00 pm From January 7th to January 10th: 8:00 am to 17:00 pm After January 11th, normal business hours are 8:00 am to 21:00 pm. Huangshan Guoduan Electrical wishes all employees and citizens of the city Happy New Year, many happy things, family reunion, happiness, friends, health, happiness, prosperity, good luck, prosperous business, wish you many good things! February 16, 2015