请从SEO角度,为易企秀用户制作的作品生成介绍,该作品是【H5】品类作品,标题是【爱不需要多,只要有你就够了!(黄玲& 罗人明)】,描述为【爱不需要多,只要有你就够了!】,作品内容为【LET'S GO NO.1 Arcueid Brunestud - the hime of TypeMoon MOONIGHT Arcueid Brunestud - the hime of TypeMoon MOONIGHT Arcueid Brunestud - the hime of TypeMoon I like eating fishI like swimming Polar bear Love You More Than in me the beauty of the city. In my eyes you are the only one, since he met you, all bustling has become a background. 致  · 黄玲 罗人明 Love does not need much, as long as there is enoug】