Discover the captivating H5 masterpiece titled 'Pocket Girls' by the Korean girl group of the same name. This single, 'Bbang Bbang', marks their official debut in the music industry. The group consists of Siya, Yeonji (Yeonji Eun), Soyun, Haeyun, and Juya. With Siya, Yeonji, and Soyun originating from car model careers and boasting various awards and a strong fan base, their popularity was already soaring before their debut. Yeonji, known for her participation in Mnet's 'See Your Voice,' gained further recognition. The youngest member, Juya, is a child star turned internet sensation for her striking beauty on YouTube. This engaging work showcases the group's charm and appeal, all crafted using the powerful online design tools provided by, where users can easily create and customize their H5 designs with a variety of templates to match their vision.