Explore the exciting H5 campaign 'Xingyi惊惊天大案' created using the powerful online design platform eqxiu.com. This engaging H5 showcases the 'Xingyi 12家疯狂送' promotion, offering a '大牌卡' for 99 Yuan, valid at a variety of top-tier merchants. The card is valid for redemption from April 6 to April 10, 2016, at韩·夫人婚纱摄影, with each person allowed to purchase only one card. The campaign includes a variety of deals, such as a free Belgian coffee and a beef steak at Whose Coffee, or a free beer and a salad at Fire Bar. The '大牌卡' can be purchased from March 31 to April 5, 2016. eqxiu.com provides a rich template library for quick and efficient H5 creation, enabling users to easily design and launch impactful online campaigns.