Hangzhou GST Tech Co.,Ltd. has been committed to creating a low-carbon China dream through its actions. On this day, one person, two people, many people - the growth of Goldsun is filled with endless thorns and mud, but more are full of fruit and joy. The growth path is filled with endless sweat and tears, but more is full of happiness and harvest. Goldsun's growth emphasizes every link and detail! This is a tradition and attitude! It's also a responsibility and commitment! Hong Kong engineering team visited to investigate 'green transportation' and learn from international advanced ideas, actively practicing them! Through the journey of growth and development, we have learned that even in the face of challenges, we must not give up. We must continue to move forward, to strive for excellence, and to never stop learning. This is the spirit of Goldsun. As we look back on our first year, we are proud of what we have achieved. We have grown from a small team to a large company, with a strong foundation and a clear vision for the future. We have expanded our services and products, and have made significant contributions to the development of green technology. But we know that there is still much work to be done. We will continue to push forward, to innovate, and to strive for excellence in all that we do. This is the commitment of Goldsun.