Discover the captivating H5 presentation titled 'Heping Dongbuwan. The Best is Free...' crafted by's online design platform. This exquisite H5 showcases the luxurious and romantic ambiance of a sailboat hotel inviting you on a perfect and enchanting journey. Experience the ocean and love at this picturesque location, a first glimpse that captures the heart. Feel the royal and court-like atmosphere as the sailboat awaits your arrival. Enjoy the breathtaking sea views, an open-air restaurant, and luxurious sea-view rooms, offering everything you desire and more. Make your travel dreams come true with just a click and a go. This travel information is provided by 'Ziyou Travel Network'. For more promotions and information, scan the QR code above. Located in the Xunliao International Bay Area of the South China Sea, Heping Dongbuwan is the next global bay area after the world's top eight bays. The bay boasts a coastline with rich natural resources, including 130 kilometers of coastline, bays, hills, islands, and beaches, with first-class seawater and sandy beaches, making it one of the cleanest and highest-quality bays in China. The area features four major tourist attractions: Xiangong Beach, Yapangjiao Beach, Xunliao Bay, and Shuangyue Bay.