Discover the enchanting world of 'Yu Lai Yu Wang Theme Restaurant', brought to you by the innovative online design platform This captivating H5 piece, crafted with Eqxiu's rich template library, invites you to unveil the mystery behind the newly opened restaurant. Located at the prime spot in the Lake滨 food street, 'Yu Lai Yu Wang' boasts an old Shanghai charm that greets you as you step in. With over thirty uniquely sized tables, including a round table that can accommodate up to 20 guests, it's the perfect venue for a grand celebration. The restaurant has partnered with popular platforms like Meituan, Dianping, and Ba du Nuomi to offer exciting promotions and discounts. Stay updated by following the restaurant's official WeChat account: jjylyw. Address: No. 153, Lushan South Road, Xunyang District, Jiujiang City. Phone: 0792-8337777.