Embark on a digital journey with 'Dream of 10000miles' by Sun Meixin, a student from Xi'an Petroleum University. This engaging H5 showcases the vivid experience of a new adventure in the United States. The journey begins with the tiring yet exhilarating 13-hour flight, landing in Jackson, NJ, and settling into an apartment surrounded by blue skies and greenery. The story unfolds with the excitement of meeting high-quality companions for the next three months, starting with shopping sprees, training sessions, and familiarizing themselves with the Six Flags environment. The charm of American supermarkets is highlighted, and the delightful experience of enjoying BBQ with Turkish friends adds a flavor of cultural exchange. Curiosity about the new environment drives the protagonist to explore, leading to memorable moments at Six Flags, including thrilling roller coasters. The work at digiphoto, dressed as a Minion, introduces the Safari, Six Flags' zoo, and a newfound love for giraffes. The story continues with exciting days off spent at nearby outlets and a thrilling roller coaster ride. The adventurous spirit is further fueled with a skydiving experience in New York City. The journey also takes the protagonist to Philadelphia, Princeton University, and Long Beach Island. This H5, created using eqxiu.com's online design platform with its variety of templates, offers a quick and easy way to make captivating digital stories.
Dream of 10000miles