H5 product, new year's blessing, created by eqxiu.com, content: wishing all parents, relatives and friends a happy new year. 2015.02.18 - SGS mineral service wishes you happy new year. we provide mineral testing, inspection and technical services. our service network covers major cities across the country. coal, coke, bio-fuel iron ore, manganese, chrome, iron alloy copper, aluminum, lead, zinc cement, stone, magnesium, salt, fluorite, quartz crystal fertilizer, solid chemical products, pesticides and herbicides geological exploration samples, mechanical sampling systems inspection services on-site inspection, ship cargo inspection, visual inspection, water gauge weighing, sampling, testing analysis, photo recording, mechanical sampling, inventory management metallic mineral products and non-metallic mineral products geological exploration samples energy mineral products testing services technical training services water gauge weighing training coal sampling preparation training coal testing analysis training mechanical sampling system training laboratory expert consulting service contact us hot line 400 - 803 - 1268 email min.china@sgs.com laboratory network