欢迎大家来参加我的百日宴呀!陈新有继梁,刚柔成才郎。牟知高远长,英华还自强。癸卯岁末,值乙丑月,甲申之日,适逢子息诞辰百晬之喜,余不惭言拙,却心诚可表,盛邀众高朋,以贺麟儿骄。期稚儿解角,幼鹰搏长空,乘风万里翔,立业显光芒! public zero twenty twenty four year one month twenty one day (public lunar two thousand twenty three year twelve month eleven day) is my young son Chen Ping Wen full hundred days joy, I carry wife high Ying, eldest daughter Chen Wan Hui, eldest son Chen Ping and, specially on one month twenty one day (Sunday) afternoon five point half respect wait at five gate mountain long life water dragon spring home banquet , specially invite noble guest, at that time shine assist joy! sincere Chen Geng, Mu high Ying thank everyone in busy participate stable stable treasure hundred days banquet stable stable happy with you share do not see do not scatter ~