Explore the H5 category masterpiece created by Eqxiu's online design platform. This H5 titled 'Haijia Payment Mobile POS Machine' offers a comprehensive guide to the Haijia Payment Miu You hand-held POS machine. With four fee rate options (0.49%, 0.78%, 1.25%, 35% cap) and automatic bank statement switching, it allows for personal or credit card usage with T+1 or T+0 settlement. The application process is simple, requiring only an ID card and a bank card. The machine supports multiple accounts and features a user-friendly interface for account setup. The detailed guide includes steps for preparing documents, downloading the app, and setting up an account. The H5 showcases the advantages of the Haijia Payment Miu You hand-held POS machine and provides a step-by-step guide for downloading and开通 the service. Utilize Eqxiu's extensive template library for quick and efficient creation of similar interactive content.