Discover the heartwarming H5 creation titled 'Our Memorial Album - M/C' by using the online design platform This moving tribute is dedicated to the beauty of love, expressing gratitude and admiration in a beautifully crafted digital scrapbook. The story unfolds with heartfelt words like 'I love you like I love life,' acknowledging the joy and happiness the recipient brings into the creator's life. Remembering a chance encounter on April 28th, the narrative speaks of initial hesitations, blossoming into acceptance and a deep connection. It presents a poignant reflection on the nature of love, expressing the wish for a future together and a promise to cherish the present moments. The love story is told through a series of intimate questions and declarations, showcasing the depth of the feelings involved. This interactive and beautifully designed album is a testament to's rich template library, which allows users to create such meaningful works with ease and speed.