易企秀在线设计,快速制作H5作品。推出【诗意山海】连云港二日游H5作品,标题为“去孙猴子的老家看海--【诗意山海】连云港二日游”,描述“山海连云 西游圣境 面朝大海 春暖花开”。作品内容详述连云港之旅,包括“山海港城、神奇浪漫之都欢迎您!六年品质专线!暑期统一销售价:398元/人 我在连云港等你,约吗?夏天来了,一起去避暑...... 6月20号起,每周六发班,愉快的周末,从这里开始......... 点击欣赏港城宣传片--《爱上一个人,因为一座城》 山海连云 西游圣境面朝大海 春暖花开 精彩行程:D1:早南通指定地点集合出发,车赴被誉为“神奇浪漫之都”的山海港城--连云港市(车程约350KM),中餐后车览中国首批14个沿海开发区--连云港经济技术开发区、中俄重要战略项目之一的家属区---连云港田湾核电专家村、连云港最大的海滨公园---在海一方、途径亚洲最长的拦海大堤、神州第一堤---西大堤、远观中国8大海港之一--连云港港,抵达江苏最美海岛--连岛(门票50元已含,游览时间现定),连岛美在海中央,云腾雾绕,似海上仙山浮座于万顷波涛之上,集青山、碧海、茂林、海蚀奇石、天然沙滩、海岛渔村。 Using Eqxiu's online design, create a H5 work with the title 'Visit Sun Wukong's Hometown to See the Sea--Two-Day Tour to Lianyungang [Poetic Seas and Mountains]', and a description 'Seas and Mountains Linked, The Holy Land of Journey to the West, Facing the Sea, Blossoming in the Warm Spring. Experience the 'Seas and Mountains Port City', the magical and romantic capital, with a six-year quality service line! Uniform sales price for summer: 398 yuan per person. I'm waiting for you in Lianyungang, will you come? As summer comes, let's go to cool off together...... Starting from June 20, a group leaves every Saturday, starting a pleasant weekend from here....... Click to watch the city promotion video--'Fall in love with a person because of a city'. Experience the beautiful journey of Lianyungang: On the first day, gather at designated locations in Nantong, drive to the 'Magic and Romantic Capital' of Seas and Mountains--Lianyungang City (approximately 350KM driving distance), have lunch, and then view the Lianyungang Economic and Technological Development Zone, one of the first 14 coastal development zones in China, the residential area of the important strategic project between China and Russia---Lianyungang Tianwan Nuclear Power Expert Village, the largest seaside park in Lianyungang---Haiyiwan, pass the longest sea barrier in Asia---Xida Di, and look out at one of the eight major sea ports in China---Lianyungang Port. Arrive at the most beautiful island in Jiangsu Province---Lian Island (admission ticket 50 yuan included, specific visiting time to be arranged). Lian Island is beautiful in the middle of the sea, with clouds swirling, like a fairy mountain floating on thousands of waves, gathering green mountains, blue seas, lush forests, sea-eroded奇stones, natural beaches, and seaside fishing villages.