Gu's Secret Garden is an engaging H5 piece created by Eqxiu, a platform renowned for its online design capabilities and extensive template library, enabling quick and easy production. The title, '任言恺&李贤宰の秘密花园' (Ren Yankai & Lee Hyunjae's Secret Garden), introduces the mysterious Gu family and the two charming brothers, Ren Yankai and Lee Hyunjae. Ren Yankai, a Taiwanese actor and model, is known for his cold and aloof demeanor, while Lee Hyunjae, a Korean drummer, actor, and model, exudes warmth and charisma. Both stars share screen time in the film 'Xiaoshidai' where they play the contrasting characters of Gu Zhi's younger brothers, Gu Jun and Neil. The H5 showcases their dynamic relationship, filled with humor and camaraderie, despite their contrasting personalities. The content is a captivating blend of star trivia, interactive storytelling, and artistic design, all brought to life through Eqxiu's user-friendly design tools.
Gu's Secret Garden