易企秀提供的在线设计平台助力用户轻松制作H5品类作品,如《自在聆听|晨读原著 7月13日 受苦是不是必要的》这一引人深思的作品。该作品以《生命之书·365天的静心冥想》为灵感来源,作者为克里希那穆提,译者胡因梦,由译林出版社出版。内容摘录:“There are so many varieties and complications and degrees of suffering. We all know that. You know it very well, and we carry this burden right through life, practically from the moment we are born until the moment we collapse into the grave... If we say that it is inevitable, then there is no answer; if you accept it, then you have stopped inquiring into”。易企秀丰富的模板库让用户能够快速上手,将深邃的思想与现代化的设计完美结合,传递阅读的乐趣与智慧。
自在聆听|晨读原著 7月13日 受苦是不是必要的