【H5】品类作品,标题是【美食的记忆2】,描述为【寻找食物的味道。】,作品内容为等你的样子/ 像站在微波炉对面/期待那一声 / “叮” / 蟹黄包的汤/温泉蛋的黄红豆粥我看你的眼神/都流淌得很慢 全都不如你五十里/ 一百里/海底两万里德芙巧克力/旋风布朗尼/榴莲菠萝蜜芝士玉米粒/鸡汁土豆泥/黑椒牛里脊黄焖辣子鸡/红烧排骨酱醋鱼不如你/全都不如你 你想吃我吗 吃太多油腻了我们再点个沙拉吧沙拉不油吗 吃着吃着就过去了酸甜苦辣吃着吃着就长出了白头发 eating together just grew up love just want to eat a lot of food, and we are both salty party and sweet party each packed one takeaway respectively. One is with salt and moon color and the other is with sugar and moon color. The bottle of soap is standing in the water pool saying I miss you.