长城证券淄博营业部招贤纳士 人生一跃天地宽,长城证券等你来 / 招 聘 贤 士 逐梦未来了 / / 招 聘 贤 士 逐梦未来了 / 关于我们About us1995年,长城证券获中国人民银行批准设立。是国内较早成立的综合类证券公司。截至目前,长城证券拥有员工3000余人,已设有十余家分公司,在全国主要城市设有一百余家营业部。华能资本服务有限公司为长城证券第一大股东,实际控制人为中国华能集团有限公司。2018年10月26日,长城证券股份有限公司首次向社会公开发行股票并在深圳证券交易所上市交易,证券代码“002939”。 招 聘 贤 士 逐梦未来了 / 关于我们Long City Securities Zibo Branch was established on October 10, 2016, located in Zibo High-tech Zone, Liushui Road, No. 246 (south of Zibo Tax Bureau). Since its establishment, Long City Securities Zibo Branch has been actively involved in various activities, such as financial education and community services, to promote the development of local economy and improve people's livelihood. The branch is committed to providing high-quality securities trading services and innovative investment products to customers, and strives to become a well-known and respected brand in the industry. Long City Securities Zibo Branch has always been dedicated to creating value for customers and society through its unique business model and advanced management system. The branch has established a strong foundation of talent team, with over 300 employees, including experienced securities professionals, financial experts and customer service personnel. They work together to provide excellent services to customers, create value for the company, and achieve common prosperity. Long City Securities Zibo Branch is always committed to innovation and excellence. We have developed a comprehensive range of investment products and trading services that meet the diverse needs of customers. Our professional team provides one-stop services from account opening to transaction execution, and our advanced management system ensures efficient operation and high-quality customer experience.易企秀为您提供在线设计,快速制作丰富模板!