Please from SEO perspective, create an introduction for Exquisite users' works, the work is H5 product class, title is GMOK 1 price, description is promotion arrived, work content is GMOK 1 price First price of GMOK 1 2 3 4 5 6 GZUPS-E GZUPS-F DLDHL-B CNFEDEX Indian IE/IP GZDHL-D CNDHL-F Mainland Federation India promotional price Guangzhou UPS European single large goods preferential price (excluding 5000) Mainland DHL Western Europe preferential price Mainland DHL small goods preferential price Guangzhou UPS European single large goods preferential price (excluding 5000) Mainland DHL French preferential price Guangzhou UPS European single large goods preferential price (not including oil) GZUPS-E Go back to home page, visit other prices Not accepted any battery class products! Reject all fake and flammable etc. various prohibited goods ! Prices change frequently, please inquire before ordering ! Guangzhou UPS European single large goods preferential price (pause) Material exclude 5000 settlement United States 5-7 Canada Mexico 27 105KG+ / 32.7 1000KG+ 28.1 35.5 29.3 505KG+ Country 27 305KG+ 31 28.6 35.47 Time efficiency (working day) 4-6 5-