Discover the captivating story of 'MaLa Mule' with this engaging H5 creation. Crafted by's online design platform, this work showcases the fusion of history and culinary art, highlighting the unique blend of vodka and ginger beer. The story takes us back to the 1940s, where the scarcity of materials during World War II led to an innovative mix by American distillery owner Martin and ginger beer merchant Morgan. Their accidental creation, a mix of vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice, became a sensation. The 'MaLa Mule' drink, named after the strong kick of vodka, was inspired by the history of the Moscow Mule but infused with the spicy and numbing flavors of Sichuan, China. The drink is made with 100% natural ingredients and a unique processing technique. Visit Flavor Lounge at 3# column, A Block, Luojia Wharf, Beibin Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing, for a taste of this special drink. Experience the rich storytelling and visual appeal of this H5 work, brought to life with the powerful tools of
Flavor Lounge