Discover the captivating H5 masterpiece created by's online design platform, featuring a luxurious and gratitude-filled annual gala at the Chlitina Huangpi Bayxiu Store. This exquisite event showcases the beauty and artistry of纹绣艺术 (Traditional Chinese Tattoo Art) with a fusion of吉美 (Jimei) International Group's innovative Eastern Chan Stitching techniques. The H5 presentation highlights the exclusive services by WAYNE&ONLY, a brand with over 400 international tattoo artists, and 350,000+ real-world cases. The event, held on January 2, 2016, invites you to an opulent salon gathering with renowned beauty experts such as Huang Junjing and Kong Na. Experience the fusion of beauty and artistry, crafted with's extensive template library for quick and efficient design creation.