您收到一封VIP邀请函 贵宾亲启 INVITATION 过去 我们付出的每一份努力 Every effort we've made in the past 收获 都变成了每一份收获 It all becomes every harvest 未来 我们不忘初心,再创辉煌 It all becomes every harvest 荣誉 每一份 Every honor belongs to each and every one of you 属于每一个你们 感恩 I'm thankful to have you along for the ride 有你, 一路 同行 携手同行 Walking Together, Dreaming of the Future 逐梦未来 年终盛典 See you at the end of the year! 不见不散 ·兴万家年会盛典邀请函· 同心同行·共赢未来