Step into the world of learning with our engaging H5 promotion crafted by Eqxiu, the leading online design platform. This creative H5 showcases a compelling offer: 'Pay 20 RMB and take home a USB drive, and get the 398 RMB master teacher tutoring course for free!' The content is thoughtfully designed to highlight the benefits of步步高家教机, offering a path to academic excellence for your child. Learn how to claim the 398 RMB master teacher gift package with easy-to-follow steps. Simply visit the Xingguo步步高 store, experience their products, or register for outdoor promotions to get the details. The package includes a set of selected courses for primary and junior high school students. Scan the QR code for more information and visit the store at No. 36, Lianjiang Avenue, Hongniu Digital, next to WuFu Square, Xingguo County. With Eqxiu, creating such impactful digital content is as easy as a few clicks, making it the go-to platform for professionals seeking high-quality, rapid design solutions.