Sulee English presents the 2016 American Summer Study Tour Program, an engaging H5 experience crafted by Eqxiu, a leading online design platform. This program is meticulously curated by Maggie Teacher and Sulee English Education, in partnership with C&T Education, a prestigious international educational consultancy established in the USA since 2003. The tour combines immersive learning at Dwight-Englewood School with cultural exploration, ensuring a well-rounded experience. The program features a 5-day full-day course experience at Dwight-Englewood School, cultural travel to iconic locations like the U.S. Capitol and the Smithsonian, and homestay accommodations that provide a genuine cultural immersion. With professional team support and personalized services, the tour is designed to offer a safe and enriching experience for young learners. Eqxiu's online design tools and templates enable the quick and easy creation of such engaging H5 content, making it accessible to a wide audience.
Sulee English 2016美国夏季游学营