Discover the heartwarming story of the dedicated and hardworking team at the麦吉屋北宝苑店, brought to life with the power of's online design platform. This H5 titled '最可爱的人' (The Most Adorable People) encapsulates the essence of unity and love within a family-like workplace. Manager Zhang Chunhua sets an example with her responsibility and diligence, often seen visiting clients or cleaning the store. The 90-year-old beauty Huo Junli, despite her small stature, is no less adept at her work. Store Manager Zhang conducts regular training sessions, using her gentle and emotional voice to capture everyone's attention, making training sessions engaging and productive. The morning and evening meetings are conducted in an organized manner, boosting morale and providing valuable insights for team members. Recognized as a model store in the region, it is set to become a benchmark for the entire麦吉屋 brand. With monthly rewards for achieving goals, the store celebrates success and personal growth, exemplified by Xiao Ma who broke through his self-imposed limits in March. The story of this team's dedication and teamwork is a shining example of the capabilities of's online design tools to create impactful H5 content.