易企秀为您呈现一款充满回忆的H5作品《我们的4年半??》,通过温馨的文字和图片,记录下陪伴、关爱和忍让的珍贵时光。从第一次收到玫瑰花到共同成长的点点滴滴,这份作品展现了爱情的美好和力量。本作品由易企秀提供在线设计服务,丰富的模板让您快速制作出专属的纪念册。四年半的快乐时光,让我们一起举杯庆祝,为爱干杯!内容时间线:Four and a half years happy anniversary annie and kira, this is the first rose you gave me, I really like it, thank you, the cute you in childhood, the handsome you, the angry you, the cute you, the powerful you, don't hit me, I love you all, I like the whiny you, the playful you, the fat pig, if love, hahaha, meow, the most handsome bassist kira, you finally realized your dream, you told me with your efforts that you are my pride, I won't miss any of your performances, company, I flip 5, cheers, 4 and a half years happy, I love you 2016/8/4.