易企秀,作为领先的在线设计平台,为用户提供丰富多样的模板选择。今天,我们为您推荐一款由易企秀制作的H5互动作品——《si》。这部作品以“Have been to travel, has never been stopped”为灵感,生动展现了春夏秋冬的四季之美。春天,Spring姑娘向你走来,她说:“By any chance would you have the time?” 你微笑回应:“For you my love I got all my life.” 夏天,她邀请你一起离开,她说:“Now I'll set you free. You don't have to stand the trouble. Workin' day and night still can't get her right. From now on you gonna take no more.” 秋天,你们继续前行,她说:“Now let's keep goin' - goin'. Ohh - Get on the floor. Show me how you're movin'. Oh - Out of control.” 冬天,你们依旧热情不减。这部作品不仅展示了四季的变换,更传递了情感的温度。易企秀的在线设计工具让每个人都能轻松创作出如此精彩的作品。快来易企秀,开启您的创意之旅吧!