Discover the captivating H5 masterpiece crafted by Eqxiu, a leading online design platform. This exquisite piece, titled 'Lancôme 'Swan Neck' Mascara', showcases the allure of Lancôme's revolutionary Mascara with its unique 'Swan Neck' brush, designed for a 25-degree convenience. The product boasts 24-hour extreme blackness without smudging, enhancing the beauty of the eyelashes. To celebrate, Lancôme is offering a limited-edition gift set for only ¥390/10g (worth ¥600) with immediate purchase options. Dive into the world of professional H5 scene design and customization by the Speedy Studio, a specialized team at Eqxiu. Create your own stunning H5 with Eqxiu’s vast template library and easy-to-use interface. Contact Speedy Studio at 13006676900 for your tailored H5 needs.