Discover the intriguing truth about facial parasites with this H5 creation from Eqxiu, a platform known for its user-friendly online design tools. The title '98%的人脸上有寄生虫!你知道吗?' catches attention and piques curiosity. The description '这可不是危言耸听。据资料显示,98%以上的人脸部有俗称“尘螨”的寄生虫存在。' sets the stage for an informative piece. The content delves into the prevalence of mites on the human face, their impact on skin health, and the importance of proper skincare. It highlights that while mites are normal parasites on the skin, they can lead to skin issues like redness, bumps, and inflammation, especially for those with oily skin. The piece emphasizes the need for effective mite removal products and daily skincare practices. Eqxiu's platform offers a wide range of templates, making it easy for users to create such engaging and informative H5s quickly.