Discover the poetic journey of Liu Siyu with this exquisite H5 presentation, crafted by the innovative design platform This online design tool offers a rich library of templates to swiftly create stunning digital experiences. The title '刘丝雨' captures the essence of a young poet's spirit, echoing the theme '可能你骨子里就是个诗人' (Maybe deep down, you are a poet) from Guangzhou XDF's '语你写诗' (Speak to You in Poetry) event. The content delves into the emotional depths of the young poet, with poignant lines such as '被困在黑暗之月的城堡中' (Trapped in the castle of the dark side of the moon) and '热爱生命我不想听阿谀奉承的话' (I love life, I don't want to hear flattering words). Through this interactive H5 piece, showcases its commitment to supporting creative expression and digital storytelling.