Discover the best of Sanya with our H5 travel presentation created by Eqxiu, the leading online design platform. Experience a trip to Sanya without any additional costs, where we guarantee a quality journey with no hidden fees. This travel package includes Sanya as the entry and exit point, offering an all-inclusive trip to three islands: the Chinese Maldives – Wuzhizhou Island, the only island-type macaque nature reserve – Nanyuan Monkey Island, and the 5A-rated beauty island – Fenjie Island. Enjoy the essence of Sanya with highlights including the Nanshan Buddhist Cultural Garden (5A), Tianya Haijiao (4A), Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden (4A), Yetaungu Ancient Village (3A), and Yalong Bay, among others. Special features include an evening cruise along Sanya Bay (worth 165 yuan per person), where you can enjoy the 'Coconut Dreaming Avenue' by boat under the cool breeze. The trip promises high-quality accommodations such as two nights at a Sanya seaside hotel and one night at an Xinglong four-star hot spring hotel. With Eqxiu's online design capabilities and a wide variety of templates, creating such engaging and informative presentations has never been easier.
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