Explore the professional expertise of Amy Pharn Mee Si, a seasoned insurance advisor, as showcased in this H5 creation. This dynamic and visually appealing H5 highlights her achievements and services including the SES and Overseas Travel Awards from Orient Insurance, and her recognition as the Top Rookie Agent in 2014. It emphasizes her commitment to providing tailored family welfare, asset allocation, and wealth succession planning, aiming to build generational wealth and serve as a shield for ordinary families. The H5 showcases her comprehensive suite of services ranging from wealth management, trust planning, tax arrangements, and investment financing to educational planning, lifestyle enhancement, and immigration services. It also underscores the importance of insurance as a tool for tax planning and wealth preservation. This H5 was expertly crafted using the powerful online design tools provided by Eqxiu, allowing for quick and efficient creation with a variety of templates.
Your Trusted Insurance Advisor