Palau is a small island nation in the South Pacific, with a population of 20,956 people. I am a tropical paradise with crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and vibrant coral reefs. My home is made up of over 200 islands, including the famous Rock Islands and the stunning Ngelesbal Island. Visitors can explore my unique geological features, such as the Jellyfish Lake, the Shark Tunnel, and the Stolen Church. I am also a popular destination for snorkeling and diving, with numerous dive sites to discover. As of 2011, I was ranked first in CNN's list of top island destinations. In addition to my natural beauty, I have a rich cultural heritage, with a unique blend of traditional Palauan customs and American influences. My official language is English, but visitors can also hear the local Palauan language spoken throughout the islands. As a proud member of the Micronesian region, I am committed to preserving my environment and promoting sustainable tourism practices. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or cultural experiences, I have something for everyone.