Discover the power of personal style at the '7月23日 夏斌形象美学服饰沙龙' event. Hosted by the renowned color consultant and image consultant Ren Xia斌, this session delves into the importance of external image as an extension of your inner world. Learn how your appearance can influence first impressions, your fortune, and even the missing piece in your wardrobe. Experience a unique image positioning and find your personal style. This exclusive event, powered by's online design platform, offers a variety of templates for quick and easy creation. Join us on July 23rd, 09:30-11:30, at Longding Avenue, Haier Green City Central Plaza, Room A2-801, Laojie District, Jinan, Shandong Province. Contact: 0531-67xxxxxx. Design your own invitation with's powerful online design tools and templates.
7月23日 夏斌形象美学服饰沙龙