Discover the exquisite H5 design work titled 'Leo' by Sofiya Closet, designed by Zhang Weiqiang. This creative piece showcases the theme 'To Happiness and Beauty' and is crafted by Patrick. The design is presented in a visually appealing format using the powerful online design platform provided by Eqxiu (, which allows for rapid creation of diverse and rich templates. The work includes a detailed plan for the玄关柜子 (Hallway Closet), 客厅 (Living Room), and 卧室空间 (Bedroom Space), focusing on the LOVE LETTER and衣柜收纳规划 (Closet Storage Planning). With the user's item information, a personalized closet space is meticulously designed, dividing it into exclusive, communal, and partner-specific zones, from top to bottom. Emphasizing the functionality and aesthetics of the closet, this H5 design is a testament to Eqxiu's commitment to providing innovative and user-friendly design solutions.