Discover the captivating H5 creation titled 'Ouyang Double 11 Grand Show' by using's online design platform. This interactive H5 showcases a grand performance by actress Sun Li and Ouyang, leading you into the excitement of Double 11 early! From November 1st to November 15th, Ouyang will release 10 million red envelopes. By scanning the store's 'Free Money Magic' QR code, visitors can enter the Double 11 red envelope lottery event. There's a chance to win up to 500 yuan in red envelopes! These red envelopes can be used to purchase Ouyang cabinets and appliances (excluding special price products). During the promotion, a discount of 800 yuan off the purchase price of Ouyang's full-priced cabinets, kitchen appliances, and衣柜 when spending over 5,000 yuan. An additional 700 yuan gets you an Ouyang gas stove Q305A, 1000 yuan for a disinfection cabinet A305A, and 1350 yuan for a range hood E305/E304. Special deals like the Elfenfei at 6,999 yuan (originally 11,299 yuan) and the Zixingyue at 9,980 yuan (originally 20,668 yuan) are also offered. These special packages are not eligible for other promotions. All this creativity and convenience are brought to you by's powerful online design tools and templates, making it easy to create stunning H5 experiences quickly.